Relationships are not built overnight—just like everything in the world, they take time. It is not an easy task to get to know someone, develop a mutual understanding, and spend a lifetime together. Whenever you look at happy couples who have been together for years, do you think that they have developed this relationship overnight?
By any stretch of the imagination, that is not true, nor is it possible. Here is why: You need to mirror the way your significant other feels – if you want a long-lasting relationship. This means that you no longer care about yourself only. Instead, you think about your partner the way you think about yourself. And this is how, brick by brick, relationships are built.
However, it is equally important to understand that relationships do not take long to shatter. A single word that comes out of your mouth can sabotage your relationship. Likewise, a singular small act may leave you in a position where you and your significant other will part ways. Thus, this is how ‘fragile’ and sensitive relationships are.
That is why taking care of your significant other in every facet of your life is extremely important. You must ‘feel’ and experience what your significant other feels. In other words, you will have to put yourself in her shoes – and vice versa. If this is true with your relationship, congratulations! You are on your way to a life-long relationship.
But life is not fair. Sometimes, you must maintain a ‘physical’ distance from your loved one. Maybe, you will have to travel to other countries. While you are in one part of the world, your significant other is in another. You have a time zone difference. And you can not really see and meet each other – physically. This is where relationships are truly tested. If you can sustain a relationship while you are in one art of the world and your loved one is in another, there is nothing and no one to stop. This relationship will last long – for a lifetime.
Here is what it takes to eliminate emotional distance from your loved one:
Stay In Touch – Always
Thanks to technological advancement, today, there are hundreds of mediums to stay in touch. All you have to do is shoot a text, meet on FaceTime, or use any other available medium.
A heart full of emotions is all it takes to stay in touch with your loved 24/7. If you can do that, your relationship will grow stronger, and it will last long.
Make Your Loved One Feel Your Love
Another effective way of eliminating emotional distance is possible through expressing your feelings. Tell your loved one how you love and care about him/her. Do not press your feelings. Instead, let them speak out on your behalf.
There is no way that your loved one would walk away from you if you make her feel how much you love her. And how much you care about her and think about her all time. The great news? Well, it will make your relationship even stronger than it was before.