More and more people are flying again despite the coronavirus pandemic at its peak. As such, flight attendants, being the unsung heroes that they are, are exposed to thousands of passengers, with some of them having no regard for the safety of others.
Despite the uptick in the number of flying passengers, there are rules put in place to keep cabin crews and flight attendants safe. However, there are simply trends in the sky that are worrisome and which the staff wish guests would stop doing.
Incorrect Wearing of Face Masks
Face masks slow down the spread of the coronavirus but some people don’t see the point of wearing one. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises using this gear in spaces where social distancing isn’t possible.
A New York-based flight attendant noticed that there are many passengers who have this protective gear but don’t wear it correctly. Some have their masks hanging from their ears and tucked under their chins while others would only cover their mouths and not the nose.
Face masks are not very effective if not worn correctly. They need to fully cover the mouth and nose and they should be worn the moment the passenger enters the airport.
Handing Them Trash
One of the persistent pet peeves of flight attendants even before the pandemic erupted was passengers handing them their trash. However, it has become a safety hazard nowadays — some people simply don’t understand this concept and continue to give their garbage to crew members.
Used tissues, napkins, and wipes are just some of the biggest no-no to hand to a flight attendant. Food wastes are also risky since these may contain saliva droplets. Plus, if you hand your trash over, the crew will have to drop what he/she is doing just to throw your garbage.
Not Practicing Proper Hygiene
While some do try their best not to contaminate many things during their flight, there are others who don’t practice good hygiene. Many flight attendants have seen passengers not washing hands after using restrooms.
Other people have been transferring seats and carelessly touching their faces, eyes, nose, and mouth. While this was rampant before the pandemic hit us, flight attendants are especially cautious now since an infected person could easily spread the virus just by touching things.
Stressed Out, Late Passengers
Flight attendants have also noticed how late passengers tend to forget about Covid-19 precautionary measures because they are so stressed out about reaching the airport on time. The solution is to arrive earlier than your departure time so you won’t worry about catching your flight.